The Farm

The Farm house was originally built in 1806 by Governor Galusha for his Brother. It is full of rich history and the land has some of the most magnificent views in southern Vermont. We are blessed to be given the opportunity to be caretakers over this land for as long as we can. We attempt to do the land justice and serve it in a way that is respectful and life promoting.

Our dairy cows rotationally graze during the warmer months and are provided with hay from the land in the colder parts of the year. Our cows do not receive a ration of grain. In 2021 we made the leap to feed the cows 100% grass. They do have access to minerals, kelp and molasses to keep their bodies balanced and healthy. The beef cows stick to a similar pattern as the dairy herd. Our younger animals are fed milk and dry hay.

The layer birds are our egg producing hens. They live in a moveable coop that is positioned out in the fields and moved every few days to give the chickens access to the most nutritious array of natural diet. They are supplemented with a non-GMO grain ration.

The broilers are raised in chicken tractors and moved daily. they are able to get high quality nutrition while fertilizing the fields.

The pigs are given free range in an area of about 2 acres surrounded by electric fencing. Pigs are the compost of the farm. In addition to the pasture, they consume extra milk, food waste/compost, and some non-GMO grain.